Terms of use
GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH or FAIR GmbH is the copyright holder of all images and videos used on this website, unless otherwise stated. The following conditions and notes apply:
Images and videos of GSI/FAIR that have no reference to CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 and only refer to GSI/FAIR as the source (examples: “Image: name of photographer, GSI/FAIR”, “Video: GSI/FAIR”) are not covered by a CC license. These images may be used for press and other editorial purposes as well as for non-commercial purposes (education, personal information) provided that they contain a reference to the GSI/FAIR copyright. Clearly indicate the copyright holder and the author as stated under the images or videos. Modification of the images or films is not covered by the right of use granted. Use for commercial purposes must be requested from GSI/FAIR in advance.
The GSI/FAIR media library contains certain images/videos that originate from other sources. You need the permission of the respective copyright holder to use these images/videos.
Certain images and videos may have multiple copyright holder, so that the terms of use of the rights holders named in the source information apply. In cases of doubt, please contact this person or entity.
Images and videos from GSI/FAIR may only be used under a Creative Commons license CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Deed Germany (
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The license is has no influence on the following rights:The rights to which everyone is entitled due to the limitations of copyright law or due to legal permissions (established in some countries as a fundamental doctrine of fair use); The moral rights of the rights holder; Rights of other persons, either to the subject matter of the license itself or with regard to its use, for example personal rights of persons depicted.
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